Instructions Following Scaling and Root Planing

  • For the first 24 hours you may experience some cold and heat sensitivity.
  • Do not consume hot foods or beverages until the anesthesia and numbness have worn off.
  • Avoid vigorous physical exercise as well as extremely hot or spicy foods for the first 24 hours.
  • Do not consume alcoholic beverages or smoke for at least 48 hours following treatment.
  • Some bleeding following a deep cleaning is normal, but if you experience excessive bleeding, please call our office.
  • You can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen as needed according to the instructions on the label or those provided by Dr. Couri.
  • Prescription Rinse— You have been given a mouth rinse from our office, start using it the day after your procedure. Use it twice daily, preferably in the morning and at bedtime. Wait a ½ hour before eating or drinking. No other mouthwash should be used while using the prescription rinse. May cause staining.
  • Brush and floss gently following a deep cleaning, resuming normal brushing and flossing when the soreness is gone.
  • Follow any other instructions provided by our office during your visit.
  • Please take all medications as prescribed.