If you are missing jawbone due to tooth loss or injury, dental bone grafting could be a beneficial procedure. The purpose of dental bone grafting is to provide the necessary support for dental implants and other dental restoration treatments, such as bridges and dentures. It can also be used to correct deformities in the jawbone or to strengthen areas of the jawbone that may have been weakened by disease or trauma. This blog post will discuss dental bone grafting and what you can expect from the procedure.
What Is Dental Bone Grafting?
Dental bone grafting is a procedure performed by oral surgeons to rebuild or add to the amount of jawbone in the area around teeth. It is done to replace missing or damaged bone due to trauma, infection, periodontal disease, or other reasons. Dental bone grafting aims to restore enough bone structure in the affected area so dental implants can be securely and safely placed. The grafted material may also contain substances like collagen, calcium phosphate, and growth factors to help encourage healthy new bone growth. In some cases, the dentist may use synthetic material. After the grafting is complete, the new bone can take several months to heal and become strong enough for a dental implant.
Why is Dental Bone Grafting Needed?
Patients may need dental bone grafting to repair defects in the jawbone caused by periodontal disease, infection, trauma, or injury. It is also used to provide a solid base for an implant or bridge or to fill in any missing gaps in the jawbone. In some cases, it may even be used to change the shape of the jawbone.
How Is Dental Bone Grafting Done?
Performed by a trained oral surgeon, dental bone grafting involves placing bone graft material into the affected jaw area, where it will help stimulate bone growth and increase the volume of bone in the area. This procedure can be done with synthetic materials, natural donor bone, or bone taken from other parts of the patient’s body, such as the hip or chin, or from donated tissue. The procedure can take anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the grafting needed.
What Can I Expect After?
After dental bone grafting, there may be some discomfort or swelling in the area for a few days. Your dentist may recommend pain medication or antibiotics to help heal and reduce your risk of infection. You may also experience some minor bleeding in the area. Your dentist will provide instructions on how to care for the area to ensure proper healing and minimize any risk of complications. After the procedure is complete, you may need several follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
Dental Bone Grafting in Peoria
Dr. Christopher J. Couri, DDS, MS, is an experienced and certified periodontist and dental implant surgeon who has provided top-notch care to the community for over 20 years. With his expertise in bone grafting procedures, you can be sure to receive the best treatment options for your specific needs. Contact our office today by calling 309-674-4148 to learn more or to book an appointment.